Friday, June 17, 2022

Have your thought on this via mail? Or whatapp me +994404533528 I will explain mine later

"I dnt know what runs into your head but for me I was always clear about what we were.It was pure friendship,respect care and trust.Whatever I did for you or times we spent together was friendship.Peole started spreading rumour,so I asked you many times is there any other feeling?You denied and kept of behaving my good friend that I trusted with all my heart.I cannot prove but I know somewhere you have invade my privacy without my knowledge.You have gone through my phone or may be hacked it.I didnot and I will never ask cause you will never accept it.But I know.After all those memories you have just given me headache and fear to never trust anyone.If possible erase me and my memories which i did of yours.Thank you for everything but lets put stop here"